Almost all clubs in the United States have a 21+ age requirement to enter. In Canada, the age to enter is 19+ (18+ in Quebec). A current, valid photo ID is required of every patron in order to enter a nightclub. When in doubt, you can always see the age limit for any club on our app by clicking on any event.
- United States, Canada, England, Ireland, European Issued Drivers Licenses or DMV Identification Cards (If they are not stamped “not to verify ID”)
- Passports (as long as there are no missing pages, not laminated or handwritten and not expired)
- Military ID Cards
- Mexico Voter ID Cards
- Mexico Matricula Consular ID (current)
- Mexico Matricula Consular ID (old)
- United States Issued ID stamped “Not For Identification”
- International Student ID Cards (any type)
- International Drivers Documents (License)
- Handwritten Passport
- Passport issued when you were a child or teen (cannot verify photo of the person presenting the Passport)