How does the table booking process with Discotech work? When you place a booking request via our Discotech mobile app or website, we receive the request into our system...
How accurate is the pricing I see on the app? Are these quotes guaranteed and will they be honored when I arrive? We receive pricing from clubs weekly, sometimes daily, from the top marketing directors at each of our partner venues, so...
Can I choose a specific table number or location to be assigned? Most clubs do NOT allow any exact table number from their floor plans / table maps to be selected and...
I have more people (or less people) than the options I see in the app. What do I do? The table options in the app show the maximum number of VIP entries that come with each specific table option....
I’ve just placed a table reservation request in the mobile app / webapp. How long will it take to hear back from you guys? When Discotech receives your reservation request via the mobile app / webapp, we submit the request to our venue management...
What venues are open now? Nightlife venues across the world are constantly opening and closing, as this industry and business is very cyclical. Lucky for...
What are the benefits of booking with Discotech? By booking through Discotech, you will get the best price, reliability, and service. We drive traffic to clubs in bulk, so we...