Signing up for a guest list usually means you can gain entry into a club at a free or discounted price, as long as you enter before a certain time in the night. When signing up, you will often see instructions such as “Free entry, must be at the door by 10:30pm, mention Discotech”. Clubs that offer guest list will have many promoters who submit names; in this case, you will be on our Discotech promoter guest list.
Offering a guest list is the club’s way of packing people into their venue early on, in order to make sure the venue stays busy at all hours. However, there is NO GUARANTEE you will get in through any guest list. Venue management can decide to pause or close the guest list at their discretion once capacity is reached. With that being said, we have been sending guest list clients to our club partners for 6+ now, and have developed a smooth and efficient process.
Pro tip: always try and show up 30 minutes before the designated “arrival time” shown in the app in order to avoid issues.